Nondual Guidance
Rediscover Your Inherent Wholeness
that which is reading this sentence,
are the freedom and peace you are looking for.
You have never been disconnected
from Life, God, or Unconditional Love.
You have just been conditioned to believe
that you are a limited and fragile human being
that has to constantly struggle, maintain control,
and receive external validation
to be okay.
It is absolutely possible to remember
the Home you've never left,
where You have always been free from
the bondage of self and the dream of separation.
This is the beautiful, albeit confronting, message that the mystics of the world's religious and spiritual traditions have shared for centuries.
Now, more than ever, during a time where countries and societies are being torn apart through ever-increasing self-centeredness, polarization, and fear, it seems imperative to reassert the relevance of this timeless message within a modern context.

"Boh is a bright, clear light shining the way to living as True Nature. He presents an immediate, easily available way to live fully and joyfully."
Fred Davis,
Nonduality teacher
What is Nondual Guidance?
Complimentary to InterSpiritual Companioning, Nondual Guidance provides direct, immediate, experiential insight into our shared True Nature, which is intrinsically boundless, indivisible, and divine in essence. This essential nature has been called a variety of names within and outside of conventional spiritual traditions: the Soul, Tao, Buddha Nature, Presence, Awakeness, the Ground of Being, to name a few.
Often characterized by a palpable sense of freedom, gratitude, wonder, and intimacy with Life itself, stabilized Nondual insight is deeply nourishing and can enhance one's experience of wellbeing. Nondual Guidance is distinct from other spiritual support approaches, in that sessions aim to dismantle the beliefs and frameworks that obscure the inherent peace and completeness of the present moment.
There is nowhere to get to or arrive at; you are already Home, as Home. You are already Free, as Freedom itSelf.

Bohdan's Approach

Bohdan uses an extremely effective and elaborate style of Nondual Inquiry, inspired and influenced by his training and immersion in various spiritual traditions. This approach has successfully helped hundreds of seekers consciously recognize, experience, and live as their True Nature. Bohdan doesn't do any of this, of course; all credit and praise belongs to Awakeness, alone.
Most spiritual teachings describe the Awakening Process, often providing the seeker with confusing or irrelevant information. The approach offered here uses a systematic inquiry process to show seekers their True Nature.
For more information on Nonduality and related terminology, please go here.
Typically, clients start their professional relationship with Bohdan by completing a Realization Session, which is then followed by several Clarity sessions. Clarity sessions initially aim to encourage stability (i.e. Abidance) of the client's recognition of their True Nature, but are also often utilized to deepen further insights and skillfully integrate the implications of Nonduality into everyday living. Bohdan also utilizes other aspects of his training when tending to the emotional and somatic distress that can arise in post-Realization after the initial recognition of True Nature.
In truth, there is no path to Realizing your True Nature. You are already inherently Whole, Complete, and have never separated from the Beloved. There is, however, a path of clearing out the conditioned belief in separation and deficiency. Are you aware it's not the body or mind that wakes up?
The good news is that this process gets more and more enjoyable, fascinating, and liberating as "we" go along, so to speak. The fruits of this exploration are unparalleled to those of conventional helping modalities - that's undeniable.
Video Testimonials
The Process
From Bondage to Liberation


Acceptance & Clearing

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It's Here!
Boh's new book, An Easier, Softer Way is now available on Amazon. It's a worthwhile contemplative resource for seekers and addicts alike.
Click the button below to check it out!
"An Easier, Softer Way points us to the heart of reality itself: the recognition that what we are searching for is not missing, that we are already whole, already at home."
-Nic Higham, Non-duality informed psychotherapist.

O seeker, the heart of the matter is cloaked by the eye itself. Return to your essence and proclaim there is nothing outside of you.
- Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari, Andalusian Sufi Poet

Trish, Australia
Boh’s assistance with deep enquiry into my perceived reality was a revelation. A combination of gentleness, humour and uncompromising questioning gave little room to wriggle out of the truth! Naturally this resulted in periods of cognitive dissonance as the mind struggled to maintain its ‘position’ until eventually the lights went on.
I’m so grateful to Boh for his sincerity, his dedication to truth and his commitment to assisting seekers to find their way Home.
Ted Y, California
"Bohdan has a beautiful, deep transmission, and it is a positive joy to sit in Presence with him. Truth recognizes Truth, and I highly recommend Bohdan as a spiritual guide and teacher."
Louise, UK
“Bohdan has a deep insight into the nature of who we are, touches the oneness of our experience, and is dedicated to living in that knowing. He has a graceful, respectful, but strong skill of leading others to their own experience of knowing with perseverance and patience. Bohdan’s experience of 12 step recovery has helped me make sense of 12 step recovery language and concepts, and bridge the underlying deep nonduality message of the Big Book of recovery.”
Dr. Glenda Tavormina, fellow Teacher of The Living Method
I am continually impressed with Boh’s clarity, sincerity, dedication, and hard work to bring the message of true nature into awareness. Boh has love and compassion that enables those who seek his counsel to resonate with the truth beneath the words he speaks. I feel blessed to know him and have him as a colleague and friend.
Tim, Florida
"I stumbled into Bohdan at the seemingly perfect time in life. I was drowning in, you could say, traditional “self” based seeking of an answer to resolve my sense of suffering. Suffering seemed inescapable with traditional approaches to therapeutic modalities and spiritual recovery programs, which both have value, but kept me on the hamster wheel. Bohdan’s uncompromising clarity along with a jolly-ness and sense of lightness and gentleness, in my opinion, was seen right away to be just what was needed here in multiple ways. His approach ultimately helped to relax the tendency to create my own suffering and attachment to cyclical thought patterns and beliefs/assumptions. I can’t speak highly enough of Bohdan. Genuine gratitude for the guiding presence in my life. Much Love."
Selena, Netherlands
“If you are willing to look at your life and your negative patterns in a different, non-dual way, Bohdan is the right coach for you. He is a compassionate and wise human being who will help you with his calm presence. Talking with him always gives me more clarity about our true nature.”
James, UK
"Thank you for the meeting earlier today.
The pointings were very powerful.
Awakeness has awakened to itself, realising it was dreaming of being a separate character."
Robert, Texas
I've been on retreats, both in person and on-line, spent thousands of dollars on them as well as books, memberships and videos. I'd spent 8 years seeking prior to ever meeting Boh. I wish I found him years ago, you will too once you've spent a little time with him. Please, allow me to explain.
When doing non-dual inquiry, it's very easy to slip into doing the inquiry from the perspective of a person as opposed to from Ture Nature. It simply doesn't work. However, from the perspective of an apparent person, the mistake is not easy to notice, can become habitual, and won't bear fruit. Without direct interaction with an experienced teacher a lifetime could be spent in the loop. Boh consistently picks up on subtle mistakes like this, points them out, and redirects the inquiry to come from True Nature as opposed to the apparent person.
If you don't understand what was just written, Boh can help with that as well. The directed awakening inquiry method Boh uses is repeatable and cuts directly through all misidentifications. It seems most teachers get bogged down in addressing the day-to-day issues in the lives of apparent students or just sitting silently with them in meditation. This may, very well, be why students don't wake up. This isn't the case with Boh, he's the real deal. You have the opportunity to experience Ture Nature first. Work with him you'll find what you've been looking for all along, it's not hidden...it's just too obvious to notice experientially until someone takes your hand and leads the way.
Gavin, Mexico
“Working with Bohdan has been consistently very helpful. He is always calm and centered and continually provides the right direction, the clarity, at exactly the right time. On my path he has been an important source of guidance.”
Ian, UK
"Boh is very special - I’ve been working with Boh over a period of months now and it’s really starting to shine through into every area of my life. I really love spending time with him. Our sessions together are fun and his pointing to the truth of Reality
are direct and immediate. I think the guy is awesome. Rarely have I come across such a clear teacher. Thanks Boh."
Nic Higham, Nondual Therapist
“Bohdan is a welcome presence in this emerging field, and offers a profoundly calming and centered space of compassion, inquiry, and deepening, to release your limiting beliefs and recognize the wonder and lightness of Being.”

What is Nonduality?
"Nonduality" is a philosophical concept that points to an experiential, non-conceptual truth about reality. "Non" means "not," and "duality" means "more than one." Reality is inherently whole and indivisible in essence. This One Reality is expressing as multiplicity, without ever truly being divided. Throughout history, this truth has been echoed within most spiritual traditions in one way or another. Nonduality is central to traditions like Advaita Vedanta & Kashmir Shaivism, some sects of Buddhism, Daoism, Sikhism, the mystical traditions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and so on.

What is Realization?
Put simply, Realization is an instance or "event" when we have an experiential insight into our True Nature; Oneness (our True Nature) is recognizing itself as Oneness, through the body. These spiritual experiences vary in characteristics, but a fundamental aspect of the experience is the noticing that the sense of a personal center (also called “the character” in nondual circles) has never actually existed as a distinct fact.
This sense of a center has just been that, a sense. The sense of “me” is made up of patterns - thoughts and textures of experience, creating the sense of density in the head and, voila, an assumption of a “me” is born.
These Awakening experiences are very freeing and can encourage an informed way of engaging with life, where truer qualities of our nature (such as peace, love, or gratitude) pervade our experience more and more over time.
However, most of the time these experiences are claimed by the egoic activity of the mind, and thus the brightness of that experience will fade into a familiar “everyday” experience – only this time, it will feel like an individual had "an Awakening" and needs to get it back! This is where the process of Clearing comes in.
What is a Realization Session?
Realization Sessions provide the seeker with an opportunity to clearly recognize their True Nature through The Living Method, which is an extremely direct form of structured nondual inquiry.
First, the inquiries peel away the layers of conditioned beliefs and assumptions to reveal indisputable evidence of what you are not. Once that's accomplished, the remainder of the session is spent noticing the felt experience of what you are.
These sessions are 90 minutes, and most people wake up within 40-50 minutes. With a 90% success rate, the only thing required for a successful recognition of True Nature is for the client to have the honesty, openness, and willingness to tell themselves the truth when it's presented to them.

What is Clearing?
Clearing is another term for "post-awakening." After an awakening experience, it's important for the old conditioned patterns and beliefs that perpetuated the dream of separation to be "cleared out" in order for the integration of continued insight and for authentic living to take place. After all, it's not the body or mind that wakes up. Conventional spiritual practices attempt to awaken the body/mind with meditation, inquiry, qigong, prayer, etc.
There is no graduation from spirituality! The clearing process never really ends; as long as there is the appearance of a body/mind, which is continuously going through the process of conditioning and de-conditioning, there are patterns to be cleared out.
However, after a period of earnest dedication to seeing through false beliefs and developing conviction in the felt sense of our experience, it's possible to abide in conscious recognition of your True Nature.