InterSpiritual Counseling
The Meeting Place of Spirit & Well-Being
InterSpiritual Counseling & Companioning (ISCC) is an intuitive discipline aimed at helping individuals live authentically, cultivate inner wisdom, and experience peace through the nourishing resources of Spirit. Informed by an attitude of cultural humility, InterSpiritual Companions provide a welcoming, compassionate, non-judgmental space within which the client is able to rediscover their inherent Wholeness, and enrich their lives through exploring the practices, ethical guidelines, and experiential insights religious and spiritual traditions have to offer.
This emerging field is steeped in the perspective that all spiritual traditions share universal teachings and point to the same underlying truth: Oneness. The intrinsic Unity of creation and the Divine is a pervading principle, and experiential truth, that most mystical and esoteric paths emphasize - an insight often framed as "our birthright."
With Unity and well-being at the heart of this discipline, many have found the remedy to their suffering through engaging in this work. At Remembering Home, our hope is that you will too!
Bohdan's Approach
My approach to being of service is a blend of sacred listening, somatic mindfulness, abiding in Presence, and exploring experience with nondual inquiry. Utilizing my training in ISCC and Nondual Spiritual Guidance, I support clients in addressing the various areas of stress, dissatisfaction, and interpersonal difficulties that come up in everyday life. ​This work is a beautiful synergy of psychological and intuitive modalities, creating the nourishing foundation for a holistic process toward well-being.
Each session is unique and unfolds in the particular manner Spirit intends for us. But, one thing for sure - It's always an honor to explore and celebrate this miracle of life with You.
In this work, I prioritize meeting people wherever they are at in their journey, and hope to provide my clients with the most effective support and guidance I'm given the opportunity to offer. ​​​​
I specialize in several modes of being of service:
Rediscovering our inherent Wholeness through Spiritual Awakening Guidance.
Enhancing well-being through Natural Spirituality Discernment & Development.
Finding freedom from suffering through Addiction Recovery Support.
Deconstructing False Identities & Beliefs with Nondual Inquiry.
Engaging in Shadow Work - integrating intense emotional experiences and textures through Somatic Inquiry.
Exploring Eco-Spirituality: Healing through and with Nature.
InterSpiritual Counseling & Companioning can be helpful if you relate to any of the following statements:
"I need guidance in navigating challenges in my life, but I haven't had good or impactful experiences with conventional modalities like psychotherapy or life coaching."
"I want to get into spirituality but don't know where to start. I feel like I resonate with aspects of different traditions but don't align with one in particular."
"I feel disconnected, aimless, and dissatisfied with my life and need some direction."
"I've had some psychedelic/mystical experiences that I can't explain. I'd like some guidance in understanding them or bringing them into my day-to-day life."
"I feel crippled by low self-esteem and low self-worth... I would like to find some lasting relief and tried-and-true tools for addressing those feelings."

For those particularly interested in the Nondual Guidance modality, please go here to learn more.
I prioritize ethical practice in my work and am a member of Spiritual Directors International and the Association for Spiritual Integrity. Throughout my work with clients, I strive to adhere to the ASI Honor Code of Ethics and Good Practice, and the SDI Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.
Links to both frameworks are available on the Terms & Conditions page.

Louise's Testimonial

Every creature is a glittering, glistening mirror of Divinity.
-Hildegard of Bingen, Benedictine Mystic
Testimonials from Clients
Trish, Australia
"Boh’s assistance with deep enquiry into my perceived reality was a revelation. A combination of gentleness, humour and uncompromising questioning gave little room to wriggle out of the truth! Naturally this resulted in periods of cognitive dissonance as the mind struggled to maintain its ‘position’ until eventually the lights went on.
I’m so grateful to Boh for his sincerity, his dedication to truth and his commitment to assisting seekers to find their way Home."
YS, Pennsylvania
"I really appreciated the opportunity to work with Boh. I felt held and cared for in the space he provided, and trust that those who are able to connect with him will have the same experience."
Robert, Texas
I've been on retreats, both in person and on-line, spent thousands of dollars on them as well as books, memberships and videos. I'd spent 8 years seeking prior to ever meeting Boh. I wish I found him years ago, you will too once you've spent a little time with him. Please, allow me to explain.
When doing non-dual inquiry, it's very easy to slip into doing the inquiry from the perspective of a person as opposed to from Ture Nature. It simply doesn't work. However, from the perspective of an apparent person, the mistake is not easy to notice, can become habitual, and won't bear fruit. Without direct interaction with an experienced teacher a lifetime could be spent in the loop. Boh consistently picks up on subtle mistakes like this, points them out, and redirects the inquiry to come from True Nature as opposed to the apparent person.
If you don't understand what was just written, Boh can help with that as well. The directed awakening inquiry method Boh uses is repeatable and cuts directly through all misidentifications. It seems most teachers get bogged down in addressing the day-to-day issues in the lives of apparent students or just sitting silently with them in meditation. This may, very well, be why students don't wake up. This isn't the case with Boh, he's the real deal. You have the opportunity to experience Ture Nature first. Work with him you'll find what you've been looking for all along, it's not hidden...it's just too obvious to notice experientially until someone takes your hand and leads the way.
KP, California
"Boh and I worked together for about a month, and in that time I experienced definite growth in the areas of clarity and insight. Boh has a deeply respectful demeanor and always seems to approach every situation as a mirror, which helps gently reflect one's situation, allowing a new perspective on an existing issue. In our time together I had several important breakthroughs of understanding that still inform the way I consider my spiritual reality."
Louise, UK
“Bohdan has a deep insight into the nature of who we are, touches the oneness of our experience, and is dedicated to living in that knowing. He has a graceful, respectful, but strong skill of leading others to their own experience of knowing with perseverance and patience. Bohdan’s experience of 12 step recovery has helped me make sense of 12 step recovery language and concepts, and bridge the underlying deep nonduality message of the Big Book of recovery.”
Selena, Netherlands
“If you are willing to look at your life and your negative patterns in a different, non-dual way, Bohdan is the right coach for you. He is a compassionate and wise human being who will help you with his calm presence. Talking with him always gives me more clarity about our true nature.”
Ted Y, California
"Bohdan has a beautiful, deep transmission, and it is a positive joy to sit in Presence with him. Truth recognizes Truth, and I highly recommend Bohdan as a spiritual guide and teacher."
James, UK
"Thank you for the meeting earlier today.
The pointings were very powerful.
Awakeness has awakened to itself, realising it was dreaming of being a separate character."
Gavin, Mexico
“Working with Bohdan has been consistently very helpful. He is always calm and centered and continually provides the right direction, the clarity, at exactly the right time. On my path he has been an important source of guidance.”
Ian, UK
"Boh is very special - I’ve been working with Boh over a period of months now and it’s really starting to shine through into every area of my life. I really love spending time with him. Our sessions together are fun and his pointing to the truth of Reality
are direct and immediate. I think the guy is awesome. Rarely have I come across such a clear teacher. Thanks Boh."
Tim, Florida
"I stumbled into Bohdan at the seemingly perfect time in life. I was drowning in, you could say, traditional “self” based seeking of an answer to resolve my sense of suffering. Suffering seemed inescapable with traditional approaches to therapeutic modalities and spiritual recovery programs, which both have value, but kept me on the hamster wheel. Bohdan’s uncompromising clarity along with a jolly-ness and sense of lightness and gentleness, in my opinion, was seen right away to be just what was needed here in multiple ways. His approach ultimately helped to relax the tendency to create my own suffering and attachment to cyclical thought patterns and beliefs/assumptions. I can’t speak highly enough of Bohdan. Genuine gratitude for the guiding presence in my life. Much Love."

Who is best suited for InterSpiritual Companioning?
Anyone can benefit from InterSpiritual Companioning, regardless of their belief system. That being said, if you connect with any of the following statements, it's likely that InterSpiritual Companioning is for you:
I feel disconnected from, or out of touch with, my spirituality.
I want to get into spirituality but don't know where to start.
I'm secure in my faith, but am uncomfortable with certain aspects of my tradition, its history, and/or how other members act in the name of the tradition.
I've had some experiences that I can't explain and aren't validated by conventional worldviews.
I resonate with many traditions and don't align with one in particular.
I need guidance in navigating challenges in my life, but I don't like/haven't had good experiences with conventional modalities like psychotherapy or life coaching.

What's the difference between InterSpirituality and Interfaith?
Interfaith describes the attitude or perspective regarding spirituality and religion that emphasizes harmony and coexistence. Typically, an individual or organization that operates from this ideal views spirituality as fertile ground for resolving tensions within societies and institutions.
InterSpirituality maintains similar ideals as the Interfaith perspective, but is distinct in its basis and function.
InterSpirituality is a perspective that celebrates mysticism and emphasizes spiritual exploration as a means of cultivating wellbeing.
For a richer overview of InterSpirituality's history and development, please go here.
What is mysticism?
For the general purposes of this question, one could broadly define mysticism as spiritual frameworks, both within and outside of organized religious traditions, that prioritize one's experiential recognition of the presence of God/Oneness/the Divine. However, mysticism is an extremely diverse field of study and participation; the purpose and theoretical implications of these experiences can differ from tradition to tradition. For those interested in an academic explanation, please click these links to explore a handful of mystical traditions:
- Christian Mysticism - Islamic Mysticism

What's the difference between Psychotherapy and InterSpiritual Companioning & Counseling?
While these are both helping modalities, InterSpiritual Companioning and Psychotherapy come from completely different philosophical and theoretical perspectives. Generally speaking, psychotherapy approaches a given individual's circumstance from a fixing model, where the therapeutic goal is to reduce psychopathological symptoms based on a Western materialistic view of mental health.
InterSpiritual Companioning does not function to treat mental illness, but instead aims to enhance an individual's wellbeing through spiritual exploration and insight, encouraging a remembrance of the one's inherent Wholeness.
Are you a Psychotherapist/ Mental Health Counselor?
Bohdan is not a licensed therapist and isn't qualified to diagnose or treat any mental, emotional, or physical disorders. Bohdan's approach to being of service is strictly spiritual in nature.
InterSpiritual Companioning & Counseling is not a substitute for conventional psychological, psychiatric, or medical services. If you require any of these services, Bohdan is happy to provide a list of reputable resources.
Are these sessions billable through insurance?
Bohdan does not and cannot accept insurance. Bohdan does not have the qualifications or license to diagnose you with a medical or mental health disorder, which is usually required for insurance coverage or reimbursement.