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Nondual Recovery

Rediscover Wholeness through The Living Method

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Freedom Beyond Recovery is a spirituality-based recovery program created by Living Method Teacher Boh Guerra, and is currently being offered through Awakening Clarity Now.

This program uses The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening as a guideline to address the root cause of suffering: our addiction to self. From the Nondual view, the development of addiction and maladaptive tendencies are viewed as stemming from humans’ primary addiction to believing that we are separate individuals that life is happening to and for. Though this orientation provides us with an intoxicating sense of specialness, righteousness, and entitlement, it also inevitably leads to suffering, a sense of inadequacy or incompleteness, and existential dread.

The solution? By seeing through what's false, the truth is all that's left. When we consciously live as the inherent Wholeness, Completeness, and Freedom that we are by clearing out the belief in separation and dependency on thoughts, unskillful patterns can effectively fall away. Freedom Beyond Recovery provides members with the opportunity for prolonged contentment, peace, and felt intimacy with life itself. 


Freedom Beyond Recovery is largely derived from Fred Davis' book Beyond Recovery, as well as other aspects of Boh's training and insight. Participants involved in this program have the opportunity to rediscover their inherent Wholeness and Completeness, and live a quality of life informed by authenticity and freedom.


The program IS NOT a substitute for medical or mental health services, but rather a complimentary resource that can deepen the spiritual dimension of one's recovery and lived experience. 

"Boh is a bright, clear light shining the way to living as True Nature.

He presents an immediate, easily available way to live fully and joyfully."

- Fred Davis, Founder of The Living Method



Small Groups

Twice a week

recovery meetings

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What Clients Are Saying About Boh

Tim G, Florida

"I stumbled into Bohdan at the seemingly perfect time in life.  I was drowning in, you could say, traditional “self” based seeking of an answer to resolve my sense of suffering. Suffering seemed inescapable with traditional approaches to therapeutic modalities and spiritual recovery programs, which both have value, but kept me on the hamster wheel. 

Bohdan’s uncompromising clarity along with a jolly-ness and sense of lightness and gentleness, in my opinion, was seen right away to be just what was needed here in multiple ways. His approach ultimately helped to relax the tendency to create my own suffering and attachment to cyclical thought patterns and beliefs/assumptions.

I can’t speak highly enough of Bohdan.

Genuine gratitude for the guiding presence in my life. Much Love."

Gavin F, Mexico

“Working with Bohdan has been consistently very helpful. He is always calm and centered and continually provides the right direction, the clarity, at exactly the right time. On my path he has been an important source of guidance.”

Louise S, UK

“Bohdan has a deep insight into the nature of who we are, touches the oneness of our experience, and is dedicated to living in that knowing. He has a graceful, respectful, but strong skill of leading others to their own experience of knowing with perseverance and patience. Bohdan’s experience of 12 step recovery has helped me make sense of 12 step recovery language and concepts, and bridge the underlying deep nonduality message of the Big Book of recovery.” 
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Looking for a tangible recovery structure and community?

Bohdan leads a recovery program and community based off of Fred Davis's book Beyond Recovery, using The Living Method as a framework for navigating addiction recovery within the context of Nonduality. The program, Freedom Beyond Recovery, is inclusive of any addictive tendency, but focuses on the primary addiction of believing in separation and dependency on thought. 

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What is your methodology for working with people in recovery?

Bohdan uses a combination of skills and techniques to meet the needs and intentions of his clients. Contextualized by his training as an InterSpiritual Companion, Bohdan's approach to Nondual Inquiry is primarily based on The Living Method, and the Somatic Inquiry he uses is influenced by the Nondual Therapeutic approaches developed by Georgi Y Johnson and Nic Higham

Image by Anuj Yadav
Image by Aaron Burden
Are you an Addictions Counselor?

Bohdan is not a licensed therapist and isn't qualified to diagnose or treat any mental, emotional, or physical disorders. Bohdan's approach to being of service is strictly spiritual in nature, and isn't a treatment modality currently recognized by formal organizations like SAMHSA. Freedom Beyond Recovery is not a substitute for conventional psychological, psychiatric, or medical services. If you require any of these services, Bohdan is happy to provide a list of reputable resources.

Let’s Connect

If you have any questions about setting up an appointment or would like to get in touch concerning another matter, please fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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